Truthful Sunday Society
Truthful Sunday
This one is tough to write, but let’s do it! So many times in my life, I questioned who I was. The questions came from trying to find me in society. Society is a nasty place. I have always wanted to be accepted by everyone—family, friends, and peers. The truth is everyone, even your family, won’t rock with you!
When I was in high school, I was a people pleaser. I would ask myself if I couldn’t make that person happy and smile, how can I do that for myself? That’s so selfish, Chris, to take care of yourself and not help the next person!
Breaking this stigma has been a life marathon for me! Sitting here at 27 almost tears my eyes because I always thought society would accept me just the way I am!
I’m here to tell you that society doesn’t care about what you bring to it or how much you can uplift it; people will destroy your name and character to build their name!
People will love, like, and comment on your post and still hate you! It took true reflection in the mirror to say you know I am beautiful, I am enough, loved, cared for, and people love me for exactly who I am! It doesn't matter what others think of you; you are amazing! If you can relate to this, put a ♥️ I pray, and I have faith that my story will inspire you!
Don’t wait to BeGreat.