The Fear Of Launching BeGreat.
At this moment in this picture, I could tell that I was full of fear. I used to have a ton of anxiety about telling my story! My story sometimes scared me because my depression and anxiety would hold me captive.
I was searching for my truth! I had questions like, who would listen to my story? Would they believe it? Would it be impactful? I used to be ashamed of my story, but I turned that shame into a gift to bless others!
From the time I had my first seizure at two years old, it took me 25 years to believe in my story. I am a flawed human. I’m not perfect, and I want to use my social media to share my story and the real me to help bless someone else!
My story isn’t perfect. My story has a ton of ups and downs. But I am here to tell you that your story is beautiful, and people need it more than you do! Please share your story. Please don’t live in fear like I did at one point in my life!
Don’t wait to BeGreat.