Stop Saying It’ll Happen
Are you stopping yourself from becoming great? Is your mindset stopping you from being the best you can be? Are you holding onto the expectations and thoughts of what other people think of you captive? It is time to take control of your life today, and this week is the time; no more saying I will wait or it will come!
Declare with your tongue right now; I will go out and conquer everything I want out of life! Speak with conviction over the things you want out of life, and get them. Read below two things you should say in your life right now.
1: I declare right now that I will let go of every thought society has of me.
2: I am worthy of abundance in this life.
Stop saying I will wait for life to give me something. Stop saying I will be patient; it will work out for me. No, make it happen for your life. It is time to let go of society's expectations of who they think you should be and how you live your life.
The time is now to stop waiting for things in life to hand you something. Being great is a choice. You control your life and do not allow society to do it anymore. BeGreat. Now not tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. BeGreat. Today!
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Don't wait to BeGreat.