Do you know that we all have been blessed with gifts? Have you ever sat and thought about your gifts? I’ve asked myself plenty of times what am I gifted at and how can I use my gifts to serve the world. It takes time to develop your gifts but with time it is possible. Use your gifts to inspire and motivate others to become the best within themselves just as you are working on yourself. The true power that is in your gifts is using them to serve others. Take time today to think about your gifts and how you can use them to be a blessing to others.
Gifts from God range from all areas of life. Whatever your gifts may be tap into them. Once you tap into that power of your gifts watch how your mind develops the skill of believing that anything is possible. A gift is a natural ability or talent. Your talent is God's gift to you what you do with that talent is your gift back to God. How will you serve God with the gifts He has blessed you with?
Everyone is gifted differently. Don’t allow your heart to focus on others gifts because you will miss out on how you are post to use yours. In James 1:17 it says "Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow." In this verse it is explaining that every gift that you have been blessed with is from God. God gives us gifts and he expects us to use our gifts to help others. It's bigger than you! Remember to be a blessing to others! God bless you all!
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