Stories of becoming—the core of the BeGreat. We seek to help you find the greatness in yourself through our podcast, blog and merchandise! BeGreat.

At BeGreat. We seek to help you find the greatness in yourself through our podcast, blog and merchandise!

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Faith. Hard Work. Determination. Fortitude.

Hello, my name is Chris Cook, and welcome to my business!

I know what adversity is. I battled seizures throughout my childhood but graduated high school, went on to play basketball for Roane State, and earned two college degrees. The community and support system I had growing up helped push me, encourage me, shape me—it helped me find my greatness despite that adversity.

I am, first and foremost, a man of faith. I believe God put me here for a purpose, and I know that his purpose for my life is to help people see the greatness within themselves in the same way that my community helped me see the greatness within myself. That's the heart behind BeGreat.

Through BeGreat, I want to inspire you to aim higher, become the best version of yourself, and help you achieve those goals that feel just out of reach. So I'm going to surround you with greatness: people who started small and hit it big, people who built from the ground up. The goal is for you to learn from their failures and feel empowered by their successes because no one finds their greatness alone.

Welcome to BeGreat.